Novo disco para Medline - Solstice

Medline, MC, DJ, Beatmaker, multi-instrumentista de origem franco-chilena, traz-nos um novo disco, Solstice. 
Este álbum consiste na re-interpretação de temas obscuros da cena Jazz-Funk  e Library music dos anos 70, escolhidos por Medline. 
Todos os instrumentos são tocados por Medline, num laborioso processo de apuramento sonoro. 

O lançamento em vinil está previsto para Junho deste ano, mas pode ser escutado/encomendado AQUI.


Solstice is a cover album of legendary jazz funk and library music. Unique and unprecedent in its concept, the album presents a selection of tracks coming from impossible to find records of the genre, interpreted by Medline. 

This release have a magical aspect. Each song was performed by Medline, playing and programming all instruments, translating each composition into his sound universe. The record crystallizes a huge artistical performance considering the amount of work to decipher and play all the orchestration, one instrument after the other, to imagine new arrangements, choirs and harmonies. Finally, he managed to get his creation as good as a gang of professional studio musicians, recorded in the 70's, and this just into his tiny home studio.
